Maike Meier
Computational Mathematician, Scientific Computing Department - STFC - UKRI
I am a Computational Mathematician in the Scientific Computing Department of the UK's Science and Techonology Facilities Council. Previously, I was a PhD student in the Numerical Analysis group at the University of Oxford supervised by Prof. Yuji Nakatsukasa. My research focusses on randomized numerical linear algebra (NLA) and iterative solvers for least squares problems. I am also interested in the intersections between randomized and high-dimensional statistics. More broadly, I work on large-scale fundamental matrix problems in computing.
E. N. Epperly, M. Meier, Y. Nakatsukasa, Fast randomized least-squares solvers can be just as accurate and stable as classical direct solvers, arXiv:2406.03468, 2024
M. Meier, Y. Nakatsukasa, A. Townsend, and M. Webb, Are sketch-and-precondition least squares solvers numerically stable?, SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl., 45(2), 2024.
M. Meier, and Y. Nakatsukasa. Fast randomized numerical rank estimation for numerically low-rank matrices, Linear Algebra Appl., 686, 2024.
M. Meier and Y. Nakatsukasa, Randomized algorithms for Tikhonov regularization in linear least squares, arXiv:2203.07329, 2022.